How to Inspect Recessed Lights: Detailed Process and Standards

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Recessed lights, in large part, refer to a type of lighting fixture installation. Recessed lights are fixtures that are installed flush with the ceiling or wall, providing localized illumination. They are often used to highlight specific areas or create a clean, minimalist look. To ensure the quality of recessed lights, inspections are carried out. This article will provide a detailed overview of the inspection process and standards for recessed lights.

I. Structural Inspection of Recessed Lights

  1. All components must be securely and stably connected, with no looseness permitted.
  2. If there are rotating or positioning functions, they must meet the designated angles and functional requirements.
  3. The connection between the wires and the lamp holder should withstand a tension force of 20N.
  4. After bulb assembly, the bulb must be centered when viewed from the outside, with a certain gap maintained between the bulb and the glass.

II. Functional Inspection of Recessed Lights

  1. High Voltage:
    • US Standard: Must comply with the requirements for the type of lamp: 1200V 0.5mA/1 second.
    • European Standard:
      • Single Insulation: 1500V 1mA/1 minute.
      • Double Insulation: 3750V 0.5mA/3 seconds.
      • Extra Low Voltage: 500V 0.5mA/1 second.
  2. Polarity: Multimeters and beepers, along with bulb testers, must meet the requirements for the measurements performed.
  3. Grounding:
    • US Standard: 0.1Ω.
    • European Standard:
      • Single Insulation: 2MΩ 25mA (Ground Tester).
      • Double Insulation: 0.5MΩ 10mA (Multimeter).
  4. Wiring:a. External or internal wiring should withstand the highest temperature impact under normal use without damage.b. If there are exposed portions of power cords on the fixture, they should adhere to specific design requirements.

III. Surface Inspection of Recessed Lights

  1. The surface must be free of unevenness, pits, and sharp edges to prevent injury.
  2. The fixture should have well-defined edges, appropriate gap spacing, and smooth curves.
  3. Surface color should match the customer’s specifications.

IV. Glass Inspection for Recessed Lights

  1. The glass surface must be free of scratches and impurities, with no chipped edges.
  2. Surface treatment (e.g., clear, frosted, silk-screen printing) should match customer requirements.
  3. The type of glass used should align with the lighting fixture’s design (e.g., standard glass, tempered glass, or PC sheet).

V. Testing

  1. Surface must pass salt spray testing, UV resistance testing, and powder coating adhesion testing, as specified in the testing requirements.
  2. Temperature testing: New fixtures must undergo temperature rise testing as per UL standards.
  3. Waterproof testing: UL-compliant fixtures must undergo waterproof testing as per UL requirements, while CG-compliant fixtures must meet IP ratings.

VI. Labeling

  1. For UL-compliant fixtures, labeling must adhere to UL requirements and follow the Bill of Materials (BOM).
  2. For CG-compliant fixtures, labeling must conform to CG standards and the BOM.
  3. In the case of CG-compliant recessed lights, fixtures marked with the “符合” symbol must make contact with the groove’s top when installed, while those not marked with the symbol should have a 25mm gap between the fixture’s top and the groove’s top.

VII. Packaging

Packaging should follow standard requirements.

These guidelines outline the inspection process and standards for recessed lights, helping ensure their quality and safety.